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16 - 25/06/2017


Let your wardrobe breathe some fresh air: set some spiders free, check out the boxes knocking about your basement and see if you’ll find some of the items we need. We are looking for hundreds of props for a (re)creative play.

An unwanted ceramic sugarbowl? Uncomfortable high heels you wore only once and know for a fact you will never put on again? Or maybe you just moved in to an apartment in and old tenement house and you found some old things belonging to the previous owners – porcelain figures, an unfashionable hat, a tennis racket, crampons, a broken analogue camera?

If you don’t know what to do with these unneeded objects – we will gladly take them. This year’s Malta will be graced by an artist who will change the purpose of these objects forever with her exhibition-installation.

So, we ask you our dear festival-goers and art lovers to give us things you will not use anymore or you’ve never used. Ready-steady-go! Post pictures of your findings which you think might do in the comments section.