1. Press materials of Malta Festival Poznan 2017
2. Festival identification
3. Photos
Concert Laibach
Concert Dr Misio
Concert Tymon & The Transitors
Meeting with Agnieszka Arnold
Od kuchni strony
Microetreats / Center for the living things
Microetreats / ROD
Concert Dylan.pl
State / Nation / Citizen
Auction, 22.06
Chauvinism Scanner
Meeting with Bogdan de Barbaro
Great Others: Jesus, Gombrowicz, Osiecka.
Meeting with Milica Tomić
Breakfast with Jan Peszek
Micro-expedition / Malta, bujaj się!
Stranger in Paradise
The Culture of Lies, collective reading
Meeting with Želimir Žilnik
Common literature, what does this mean?
Microetreats / Ziemia to wirująca feministka
Migrant or refugee?
350 Janez Janša bottles
My Name Is Janez Janša, meeting
Pokój na rejonie / opening
Micro-expedition / Spacer po zachodnim klinie zieleni
Scenario for a Non-Existing but Possible Instrumental Actor
Auction for Malta Festival, 19.06
Like eating the stone
The shame and pride of Eastern Europe
Polish-Syrian Garage sale
Dancing for Syria
Gdybyśmy byli kotami
Buchwald / Buchwald
Teatr Blum
The crown of Poznan, Baltyk
Concert Erith
Muzeum Kapitalizmu / Exhibition
Meeting with "The Artists" producers
Meeting with Goran Injac
„Who, if not us" – auction for Malta
Iron Vaginas
The Republic of Slovenia
Tunel zależności
Jodłowanie na Okrągło
Grunt to podstawa
Press conference
Plac Wolności, first day
The bicycle and music parade Bike Bands Opening
Silent Disco
Meeting with Adam Michnik
Generator Malta
Bike Bands Opening
Stary Browar Nowy Taniec
Young Malta
Poznań on Malta
„In Many Hands” and „Khaos”
Scena Malta
Balkan Platform
Press conferences Malta Festival Poznań 2017
Curators of festival