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16 - 25/06/2017

fot. Michał Knychaus
Galleryfot. Michał Knychaus
  • Dynamiczne Zarządzanie Potencjałem Ciała (DZOP) is a method for dynamic management of your body’s potential, using individual solutions designed to enhance your creative self-development. Take part in a performance activity based on the aesthetics of popular coaching programs. The instructors are artists whose strategies contradict coaching methods and whose energy provokes rethinking in a population to increase potential and productivity.

    The cycle of DZOP workshops consist of several short activities for everyone, regardless of age, competence or physical fitness. The instructors will assist your development in areas like fitness, beauty & relaxation, office self-defence, motivation training, creativity improvement and building relations. You can choose any of the suggested fields. A single workshop lasts up to 45 minutes and ends with a certificate confirming the acquired skills.